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Mac Os X For Pc Virtualbox

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Before we install OS X, we'll need to set up VirtualBox so the OS X install disc can boot correctly. Here's what you need to do: Step 1: Launch VirtualBox and click the New button. Give your new virtual machine a name (I just called it 'Mac OS X') and set the operating system to 'Mac OS X. MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac Mini; iMac Mini; Mac Pro; Xserve; Note: This is the system that you can install this operating system on it, or in another case you can test that on VirtualBox, that in this article I will guide. Install Mac OS X El Capitan on VirtualBox. Before going to install Mac OS X El Capitan, you need to download VirtualBox.


VirtualBox for PC is a perfect choice for those who value top-quality virtualization products and need advanced functions for working via several operating systems. The program is available for both enterprise and home use with no limitations for free. Not only is it an incredibly feature rich, high performance tool for millions of customers, it is also the only professional utility that is freely available as Open Source Software. You can download free VirtualBox for PC below and get a premium quality tool in a Currently, VirtualBox runs on Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Solaris hosts and supports a long list of other guest operating systems. The program is being constantly developed with new releases and has an ever growing number of functions and supported guest operating platforms it runs on. The tool is a community effort backed by a dedicated company: Oracle is a world known company with top products only.

VirtualBox for PC requires minimum time for successful download and installation. Since it has versions for almost every operating system, it usually fits perfectly any OS. The app is absolutely understandable and really easy even for newbies. matter of moments.

VirtualBox for PC has a number of amazing advantages:

  • Largest number of virtualization utilities for every taste
  • An ability to make snapshots
  • Deep customization that enables you to put different tools into groups
  • Unprecedented modularity and clean architecture
  • Multiscreen resolutions
  • Guest multiprocessing
  • Extensible RDP authentication
  • Built-in iSCSI support
  • Complete hardware compatibility
  • Dozens of additional features depending on your operating system
  • Free to use. Always.

You can try VirtualBox for PC for free right now and start using the number one virtualization tool in a few seconds!

Many of us would want to switch to a Mac OS but Windows OS has its own advantages that are too good to let go off. Having two different systems doesn't really make sense. So, what does one do? Figure for mac.

Well there is a solution to this, VirtualBox! If your system meets the hardware and software requirements then you successfully Install MacOS On Windows 10
Read on to know what is a Virtual Box and how you can run Mac OS on Windows computer.

What is VirtualBox?

Virtualbox mac os x image

VirtualBox is a virtualization application available cross platform. Excel mac key shortcuts. It can be used to run multiple operating system on single computer, that is Windows, Mac, Linux or Windows Server. It works on Intel or AMD based processors. You can use it as Virtual Machine for Mac.


Minimum System Requirements:

Before you plan to install VirtualBox, here are the 3 little system requirements:

  • 4 GB RAM
  • 64-Bit Computer
  • Dual core processor

How To Install MacOS On Windows 10: Quick Steps

After checking minimum requirements, you can proceed further with these steps to install macOS High Sierra on your Windows 10 computer.

  1. Download macOS High Sierra from the given link and extract the Zip file on your desktop.
  2. Download and install the latest version of VirtualBox from the given link.
  3. After download and installation of VirtualBox open the app and click on New button given at the top. Here you will need to enter some details.

As you can see in the screenshot you need to make these entries:

Mac Os X For Pc Virtualbox

VirtualBox for PC is a perfect choice for those who value top-quality virtualization products and need advanced functions for working via several operating systems. The program is available for both enterprise and home use with no limitations for free. Not only is it an incredibly feature rich, high performance tool for millions of customers, it is also the only professional utility that is freely available as Open Source Software. You can download free VirtualBox for PC below and get a premium quality tool in a Currently, VirtualBox runs on Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Solaris hosts and supports a long list of other guest operating systems. The program is being constantly developed with new releases and has an ever growing number of functions and supported guest operating platforms it runs on. The tool is a community effort backed by a dedicated company: Oracle is a world known company with top products only.

VirtualBox for PC requires minimum time for successful download and installation. Since it has versions for almost every operating system, it usually fits perfectly any OS. The app is absolutely understandable and really easy even for newbies. matter of moments.

VirtualBox for PC has a number of amazing advantages:

  • Largest number of virtualization utilities for every taste
  • An ability to make snapshots
  • Deep customization that enables you to put different tools into groups
  • Unprecedented modularity and clean architecture
  • Multiscreen resolutions
  • Guest multiprocessing
  • Extensible RDP authentication
  • Built-in iSCSI support
  • Complete hardware compatibility
  • Dozens of additional features depending on your operating system
  • Free to use. Always.

You can try VirtualBox for PC for free right now and start using the number one virtualization tool in a few seconds!

Many of us would want to switch to a Mac OS but Windows OS has its own advantages that are too good to let go off. Having two different systems doesn't really make sense. So, what does one do? Figure for mac.

Well there is a solution to this, VirtualBox! If your system meets the hardware and software requirements then you successfully Install MacOS On Windows 10
Read on to know what is a Virtual Box and how you can run Mac OS on Windows computer.

What is VirtualBox?

VirtualBox is a virtualization application available cross platform. Excel mac key shortcuts. It can be used to run multiple operating system on single computer, that is Windows, Mac, Linux or Windows Server. It works on Intel or AMD based processors. You can use it as Virtual Machine for Mac.

Minimum System Requirements:

Before you plan to install VirtualBox, here are the 3 little system requirements:

  • 4 GB RAM
  • 64-Bit Computer
  • Dual core processor

How To Install MacOS On Windows 10: Quick Steps

After checking minimum requirements, you can proceed further with these steps to install macOS High Sierra on your Windows 10 computer.

  1. Download macOS High Sierra from the given link and extract the Zip file on your desktop.
  2. Download and install the latest version of VirtualBox from the given link.
  3. After download and installation of VirtualBox open the app and click on New button given at the top. Here you will need to enter some details.

As you can see in the screenshot you need to make these entries:

Name: macOS 10.12 Sierra

Type: Mac OS X

Version: 10.12 Sierra

  1. After making these entries click on Next. You will be asked for a Hard Disk. Choose 'Use an existing virtual hard disk file' and click on the folder icon to choose the file on desktop from downloaded OS X Sierra to install Mac OS on VirtualBox.
  2. Now click on the settings icon given at the top of the virtual box. You will be on the General tab.
  3. Click on System next to General. Here you will find three tabs click on the Drag slider in front of processor to 2 and make sure that Enable PAE/NX is enabled.
  4. Now click on the Motherboard tab and unselect Floppy and make sure that IHC9 is selected in dropdown.
  5. Now, navigate to Display and drag the slider in front of Video memory to 128 MB.
  6. Finally, head to Storage in the side pane and choose macOS 10.12 Sierra.vmdk under Attributes, set the Hard Diskto SATA Port 0. When you are done, click OK.
  7. Now, that you are done with the settings on virtual box you can close it. Our next step will be to add code to VirtualBox with Command Prompt.
  8. Here is the code that you should copy on the notepad.

cd 'C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox'

VBoxManage.exe modifyvm 'macOS 10.12 Sierra' –cpuidset 00000001 000106e5 00100800 0098e3fd bfebfbff

VBoxManage setextradata 'macOS 10.12 Sierra' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct' 'iMac11,3'

VBoxManage setextradata 'macOS 10.12 Sierra' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion' '1.0'

Mac Os Download For Virtualbox

VBoxManage setextradata 'macOS 10.12 Sierra' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct' 'Iloveapple'

VBoxManage setextradata 'macOS 10.12 Sierra' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey' 'ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc'

VBoxManage setextradata 'macOS 10.12 Sierra' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC' 1.

  1. Now run Command Prompt as Administrator. You can choose Run as Administrator by right clicking Command Prompt icon.
  2. In the Command Prompt copy and paste the above code and hit enter. You will see a screen like this.
  3. Now, close the Command Prompt and open VirtualBox on your computer. Select macOS 10.2 Sierra and click on Start after a couple of seconds your Virtual Mac machine will be started.
  4. Go ahead and set up your virtual Mac machine. After the set up your Virtual Mac with Mac OS sierra is ready to use.

Mac Os In Virtualbox

That's it! Now your Mac OS X Virtual Machine is ready. So, you do not need to spend extra money to enjoy the feature or your all-time favorite operating system Mac OS. You can get this on your computer for free with Install macOS on Windows 10.

Mac Os X For Pc Virtualbox Installer

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